Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today I completed my new hire paper work at Akin's, a natural food store right next to our home. I am still waiting to hear from Bank Of Oklahoma, I should know by Tuesday if they will hire me. But I am so thankful to have this job at Akin's. I actually had 4 other job offers, 1 of which I was able to give to Derek. God has provided more than enough. I was concerned at first if I would find a job by February and since then I have had the wonderful opportunity to choose between jobs. God is good and I am grateful that He cares so much for us. He knows our needs and is eager to meet them. Even when things don't happen the way we anticipate, if we are searching for His will we will find it.


  1. Jake! I miss you guys like crazy too!

    The natural food store sounds awesome. Haha...Julie heard, and she said "does that mean I get a discount on natural foods there?"
