Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Faithfulness and obedience are the things that God wants from us. When we measure our closeness to God by the things we do for Him we will begin to drift away from Him in our hearts. The key to not drifting away is by measuring your closeness to God by time spent with Him. The greatest gift wen can ever get is the presence of God. Don't measure your relationship with God by what you do, live for the presence of God.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is loving God? Not to mention loving God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. But I wonder if a person other than me were to examine my life, would they find I love some one or something more than God?

I spend more time with my wife, I spend more money on her, and I think about her many times throughout the day. If she and I spend much time apart at all I am constantly thinking about her, calling her or writing her emails. It is painful to be away from her.

Not at all to say a relationship with your wife should suffer, but I do wonder if I truly believe it's okay to merely read my bible for 20 min a day, pray on occasion when it feels right or necessarily, do my salaries worth of work for the church, put 10% of my paycheck back in the offering plate and sometimes go a day or so without any communication with God?

I don't want to put anything in my life above God and loving him. Instead of loving anyone less or doing less of something, how can we love God more?