Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God does not lie! He will not lead you one way and pull you another. You can however trust that He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. When you feel that your world is in limbo you have to allow God to work the bigger picture. We sometimes think that we see the whole vision, but our vision is ussually wrapped around oursleves. Gods vision includes the people around us. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I belong in Your presence. 

Watching all of these young leaders rising up around me is the most beautiful site to see. Today I have been awestruck at how great, faithful and in control God is. The worship band just totally blew me away. Not that they played well, sang like angels or had lots of energy and passion, which they did, but that i watched them sacrificially lay them selves out before God on the altar and offer such a pleasing offering. I felt the Holy Spirits embrace around us. It was glorious. Praise God and also pray for protection. This is the time when Satan will try to destroy the flower that is blooming.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

God has been doing some really awesome things lately. I am so excited about what is happening at Freedom House. We kicked off our first city outreach this past Friday in Hanover. It was so awesome to see all of the guys stepping out and praying for people and sharing the gospel. Jake Flickinger prayed with a woman named Carol that he met on the street. Carol was in the middle of jogging when we politely stopped her to tell her about the Freedom House. One thing led to the next and we ended up praying for her leg to be healed because she said that it was acing. She said as she took off running again that the pain was gone. Praise God! 

All of this is so exciting, but I am not very satisfied. I have noticed that I don’t have as much compassion for the lost as I use to. There was a time a couple years ago when I was praying very hard for God to share his heart for the lost with me. God, please give me a heart for the lost, I want to feel how you feel for them. If I could just feel that a little bit, maybe it would not be so hard to reach out to people on the streets. I know that if I could just see them with your eyes and understand your own heart for me a little better then maybe I could share a little genuine love with them. God I pray that you would give me tears for this community. I want to hurt for your people! I want your burdens to be our burdens.