Monday, July 5, 2010

No doubt, there are seasons of our lives. For whatever reason there are just some times each year that we pull out the old vinyls and give 'em a spin. Ok, i can't speak for you, but I pull out my old vinyls and wear 'em out just one more time. This past week has been quite the collection of old music, reading and re-reading.

I just finished a book by K.P. Yohannan called Revolution In World Missions. You might recognize it's title because it was advertised as a Free Book in a add on for almost a year. Which is exactly how I got the book. Finally, I decided to go ahead and just get the book and stop being teased by the offer of a free book. After finishing Gene Edwards, A Tale Of Three Kings I had a reading craving that couldn't be quenched, staring at my long row of "books i want read" I thought I would give K.P. a chance. Am I ever glad I did and this book will be one that I put on the "re-read shelf". K.P. will convict you to live less for yourself and more for the Two-Thirds world that is in tremendous need, not merely that they should have food, water and shelter but that they should have the only thing that feeds a persons soul, give than eternal home and saves their lives, the gospel. 

I have been convicted and now... I'm not so sure what I want to do. I know there are tons of things I could do, but I do no what I don't want to do. I don't want to convince myself that what I'm doing is enough and in time surely, slowly drift back to a life that is self-serving.