Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Listening to the voice of God, although as hard as it may be at times, has to be the most rewarding part of following Jesus Christ.  That said.

Ordering Your Private Word ( a book by Gordon MacDonald) is truly (2 weeks after its completion) recking my world, for the better. I realized recently that I have let "my" ministry run my life. I prioritize my work before my spiritual life. That's wrong! The first problem is that it makes me view that work I am doing as more of a pain instead of the pleasure that it should be. Doing the work that God has called us to should be a pleasure. The second problem is that I have neglected my personal time with God, my endless hours out in the woods, hiking with God. I know that this it is a huge temptation to think 'because we are doing ministry work that we can just burn the candle at both ends and God will somehow restore and refresh us. Now, I know that there, as well, may be times that God will refresh and we have to make a deadline. But, I think that God is jealous of us and want our time to first be His and then to the world.  I could go on, but you should just read the book (Ordering Your Private World) if you get the chance.


  1. Dude, I love what I'm seeing in you. God is doing some very similar stuff in my heart.

  2. A person who is too divided cannot give their undivided attention to God.

  3. We all have times when we don't keep oil in our lamps and get side tracked. I get reminded how important my God time is when I read Matthew 25.
