I remember when I was about 10 years old and I job shadowed Gerry for a day. It wasn't until after Shawna and I were engaged when I remembered Gerry telling me "someday I hope you marry one of my daughters" that same day when I was 10.
Gerry has been an amazing figure in my life. He has mentored me and spoken into my life many times since I was a child. I remember when I gave my life to the Lord 4 years ago, Gerry was one of the first people I went to get direction. I remember when I told him that the Lord got a hold of me, he put his arms around me and he cried tears of joy and I couldn't help but cry too. I knew that this man cared so much for me and he was serious when he said that he has been praying for me for years.
Its been a crazy adventure between then and now. But as of recent, Gerry and I went on a trip to Three Springs and then to the far west of PA. First to raise a church to life again and later to motivate people to plant churches. I don't know quite what it was about the trip but I do know that the enemy was putting last minute doubts in my mind about going (I could have stayed and gotten more work done and a thousand other things) but when doubt comes in you know you are on the right track. That trip and being with Gerry encouraged me and gave me more vision for spreading the gospel and encouraging people to do the same than almost any time before. I am so proud and glad to have Gerry as a father-in-law. Happy Birthday Gerry!!